EU Watch: Encouraging debate about the European Union and how it adheres to its values, principles and commitments
Protecting trade or protecting human rights?

Protecting trade or protecting human rights?

The Chinese treatment of the Uyghur minority in Xinjiang puts the EU's China policy into

Will Poland relent in rule-of-law dispute?

Will Poland relent in rule-of-law dispute?

Warsaw is apparently planning to give in to demands by the European Court of Justice

Five years on: Europe’s controversial migration deal with Turkey

Five years on: Europe’s controversial migration deal with Turkey

In March 2016, Brussels and Ankara struck an agreement on the return of migrants in

BRIEFING: Was the EU effective in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic?

BRIEFING: Was the EU effective in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic?

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The European vaccine row explained

The European vaccine row explained

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L’Europe se rapproche de la Chine, mais Biden peut la retirer – Politique étrangère

L’Europe se rapproche de la Chine, mais Biden peut la retirer – Politique étrangère

Dans les négociations avec la Chine sur un nouveau traité d’investissement, l’UE a affirmé son

Europe is getting closer to China, but Biden can pull it back – Foreign Policy

Europe is getting closer to China, but Biden can pull it back – Foreign Policy

In negotiations with China over a new investment treaty, the EU asserted its autonomy from