EU Watch: Encouraging debate about the European Union and how it adheres to its values, principles and commitments
Former Estonian Foreign Minister: “We should make Russia understand that the West is not weak anymore”

Former Estonian Foreign Minister: “We should make Russia understand that the West is not weak anymore”

In our most recent podcast edition of “EU Matters”, the Vice-Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament and former Estonian foreign minister, Urmas Paet, talks about the threat of Russia to Europe and the West’s support for Ukraine, as well as the recent developments in the Middle East between Israel and Iran.

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Veteran Socialist lawmaker: “We always knew that the EU would come under attack from guys like Putin”

Veteran Socialist lawmaker: “We always knew that the EU would come under attack from guys like Putin”

German MEP Udo Bullmann talks about the importance of human rights in EU’s foreign policy, the EU as a player on the world stage and foreign interference in EU politics.

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David McAllister: “The EU should be a global player, not just a payer”

David McAllister: “The EU should be a global player, not just a payer”

The chairman of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs on the role of the European Parliament and the European Union in world politics.

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“Write your last letter to your mom”: How an Iranian dissident broke free from Khamenei’s regime

“Write your last letter to your mom”: How an Iranian dissident broke free from Khamenei’s regime

Arash Hahmpay, an Iranian dissident and activist details his dreadful experience with the Islamic regime in Iran and how he escaped to Germany.

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EU-Turkey relations: “Erdogan is not 12 feet tall”

EU-Turkey relations: “Erdogan is not 12 feet tall”

Turkey expert Dimitar Bechev argues that the European Union has a lot of leverage on Ankara, in spite of Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s re-election.

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“Iran must be treated like Russia”: Daughter of abducted dissident sentenced to death in Iran urges change of strategy

“Iran must be treated like Russia”: Daughter of abducted dissident sentenced to death in Iran urges change of strategy

German national Jamshid Sharmhad was hijacked by Iranian agents in Dubai in 2020. His daughter Gazelle is campaigning for his release and urges Europe to take a tougher line with the Islamic Republic.

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“Borrell’s statements are just empty words”: Daughter of Iran prisoner wants stronger EU action

“Borrell’s statements are just empty words”: Daughter of Iran prisoner wants stronger EU action

Mariam Claren is campaigning for the release of her mother who was been held in the notorious Evin prison in Iran since 2020. Are European governments doing enough?

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“Russia sanctions will remain in place for a long time”: EU Sanctions Envoy David O’Sullivan

“Russia sanctions will remain in place for a long time”: EU Sanctions Envoy David O’Sullivan

INTERVIEW: The former senior European Commission official is tasked with overseeing the implementation of restrictive measures. EU Watch sat down with him for an interview.

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Qatargate: “It is time the European Parliament delivers on reforms”

Qatargate: “It is time the European Parliament delivers on reforms”

The latest proposals adopted can be a “game-changer” but swift implementation is needed, argues Green Party MEP Daniel Freund in an EU Watch interview.

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EU treaty change: “I can see it happening in the context of enlargement”

EU treaty change: “I can see it happening in the context of enlargement”

INTERVIEW: The change from unanimity to qualified majority voting in the foreign policy won’t radically transform the EU. But it could help forge a faster policy and actions, argues SWP EU expert Nicolai von Ondarza.

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