EU Watch: Encouraging debate about the European Union and how it adheres to its values, principles and commitments
Voyages: Commission demande des règles uniformes pour toute l’UE

Voyages: Commission demande des règles uniformes pour toute l’UE

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Brussels pushes for uniform travel rules across EU

Brussels pushes for uniform travel rules across EU

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Sondage : Les citoyens veulent prendre part au débat sur l’avenir de l’UE

Sondage : Les citoyens veulent prendre part au débat sur l’avenir de l’UE

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“Ensure correct information is provided”

“Ensure correct information is provided”

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Switzerland abandons EU deal

Switzerland abandons EU deal

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New Blue Card: Europe wants to attract more talent

New Blue Card: Europe wants to attract more talent

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“L’UE doit trouver un équilibre entre la liberté d’expression et la responsabilité”

“L’UE doit trouver un équilibre entre la liberté d’expression et la responsabilité”

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“EU must find right balance between free speech and responsibility”

“EU must find right balance between free speech and responsibility”

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Sondaggio: i cittadini vogliono partecipare al dibattito sul futuro dell’UE

Sondaggio: i cittadini vogliono partecipare al dibattito sul futuro dell’UE

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Il controverso accordo sui migranti tra l’UE e la Turchia compie cinque anni

Il controverso accordo sui migranti tra l’UE e la Turchia compie cinque anni

A marzo 2016, Bruxelles e Ankara hanno firmato un accordo sull'immigrazione in cambio di sostegno