EU Watch: Encouraging debate about the European Union and how it adheres to its values, principles and commitments
Asselborn: “Europe has no Plan B for Iran”

Asselborn: “Europe has no Plan B for Iran”

Luxembourg's foreign minister Jean Asselborn about EU sanctions against Iran and the future of the

“Iran associates itself with the camp of evil”

“Iran associates itself with the camp of evil”

Witold Wasczykowski, member of the European Parliament and a former Polish foreign minister on the

“Orbán’s rhetoric that the EU has no legitimacy is just bogus”

“Orbán’s rhetoric that the EU has no legitimacy is just bogus”

This is Part Two of the interview with Dr. Tom Theuns, assistant professor of Political

“Can EU members really accept a union with autocratic states?”

“Can EU members really accept a union with autocratic states?”

Tom Theuns, assistant professor of Political Theory and European Politics, on how the European Union

Hostages in Iran: Families urge EU to do more

Hostages in Iran: Families urge EU to do more

European Union foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell is under pressure over his stance towards Iran.

“EU should recognize Uyghur genocide”

“EU should recognize Uyghur genocide”

EU Watch interview with the leadership of the World Uyghur Congress Read More

“Europe is still very weak”

“Europe is still very weak”

Interview with EU affairs veteran Elmar Brok on the enlargement and reform of the European

“Germany cannot lead the EU”

“Germany cannot lead the EU”

Poland's former Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski on Ukraine, EU enlargement and the latest proposals of

UNHCR: EU response to Ukraine “should set example for all refugee crises”

UNHCR: EU response to Ukraine “should set example for all refugee crises”

INTERVIEW: How well has the EU has responded so far to the inflow of millions

Expert: “Il doit y avoir des lignes rouges”

Expert: “Il doit y avoir des lignes rouges”

Nathanaël Chouraqui, spécialiste français du Proche Orient, regrette l'absence d'action de l'Europe en Syrie. Read